The most impressive thing about Rise is that it meets the definition of what a Summer Blockbuster is perfectly. The film offers a simple story that takes place on a grand scale, and provides a visual spectacle. It also got a surprisingly enthusiastic response from the audience at my screening, which really added to the experience. It is nice, especially in the Summer, to have a film that surprises.
I am getting tired of writing plot synopsis for these reviews, and I am not sure it is necessary, but just in case it is, here's a short one. James Franco plays a scientist who is experimenting on lab apes in order to find a cure for his father (John Lithgow) who is suffering from Alzheimer. After a few set backs, he ends up having to take care of an Ape named Caesar who is the main character in the movie. This is just the beginning of the film, and the story evolves nicely into a prison escape film and then a disaster movie.
As Caesar plays such an integral part in the movie, there is an enormous amount of computer generated effects throughout Rise. Aside from some massive scenes that look less than amazing, the CG in this film is masterful. The great Andy Serkis provides the motion capture for Caesar himself, and like all his previous animated characters, Caesar is an incredibly sympathetic character.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes gives a glimpse at what the future of movies could be. The amount of superb CG in the movie really impressed me, and this is coming from someone who isn't the biggest fan of computer effects. What Rise does to set itself apart from every other effects extravaganza this summer, is use advanced effects to tell a story full of heart and complex emotion. This film already feels like a classic Summer popcorn movie, but only time will tell if it will be accepted as such. I really hope that it is.
A Gold Banana

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